Mental Health Benefits of Being a Minimalist During a Pandemic

Minimalism provides mental health benefits on an ongoing basis, and I’ve found the principles particularly helpful during these uncertain times. Managing stress, anxiety, and fear are essential to getting through this coming out stronger on the other side. Learn more about how minimalism can be a helpful approach to dealing with a crisis and why it’s something worth considering.

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Marriage During Covid-19: Here's Why You're Snapping at Your Partner

“Why are we snapping at each other and how can we make it stop? This crisis is putting us in crisis, and we’re over it!” I know you’re scared and feeling unnerved about our current and future situation with cover-19. Conflict will increase expectedly over the next few months. Don’t worry, it’s only temporary. Read to learn more about why and watch my in depth video with tips.

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What Will Therapy Look Like During Covid-19?

With everything in our lives shifting at a rapid pace, anxiety is at an all time high. People are aware that therapy could help, but are having trouble figuring out how to fit it in or understanding what it will look like as the coronavirus pandemic continues. I’d like to engage everyone reading to take a collective breath, and dive into exploring options for therapy in the midst of an ongoing crisis situation.

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5 Places to Donate Your Stuff in League City, Texas

One of the hardest parts about decluttering is figuring out where to take all the stuff you’ve decided to get rid of. Making that decision and going through the process of decluttering can be draining and pull from your energy, so it’s important to take care of yourself and plan ahead to after the declutter. That way you know exactly where you’re taking your stuff and you can act quickly to clear your space. Here’s 5 local places you can donate your stuff, with a few bonus ideas!

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Where Do You Feel Minimalism? The Burden of Emotional Clutter

Emotional baggage…where do you feel it? Where does it come up in your body, in your mind, in your space, in your habits? This post helps you slow down and spend some time figuring out the deeper roots to some of your problems. And as always, I want you to remember and confidently know that you are enough without your stuff.

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Who Cares About My Minimalism Journey?  Facing Your Relationship Clutter

Are relationships easy for you? Do you struggle with how to manage difficult relationships in your life? We carry clutter from past and present relationships everyday, often not noticing how heavy it all weighs on you. Read on to explore how relationship clutter is affecting your life, how it ties into all the other areas of clutter, and how it doesn’t matter where you start decluttering, you’ll see positive results.

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Can You Apply Minimalism to the Technological World?  Curating your Digital Space

How many unread emails do you have? What about the number of photos stored on your phone? What percentage of your apps do you use on a regular basis that add value to your life? What if you cut your digital space and usage by 20%? By 50%? By 75%? Sit with that for a minute. If you’re feeling brave, read the post to begin exploring curating your digital consumption.

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How Does Minimalism Affect Your Thought Process? Clearing out Your Mental Clutter

With over 50,000 thoughts a day, overwhelm can be inevitable if you don’t have a process for how to filter and manage your anxious or self deprecating thoughts. Like physical clutter, we tend to hang on to our mental clutter. I imagine it serves some kind of purpose for most of us to hold onto those thoughts, but ultimately they’re not helping you and recognizing how to let them go will be healing and relieving. Learn more about mental clutter and how to begin the process of declutter those unhelpful thoughts.

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Why Minimalism? The Mental Health Cost of Too Much Clutter

If you’ve ever looked around your space and had the instinct to ask more questions about your life and evaluate how this mess has accumulated, minimalism can benefit you. There are clear costs involved in maintaining our clutter and desires for consumption. Read this post to learn about about the mental health cost of all kinds of clutter.

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What is Minimalism? The Art of Knowing You Are Enough Without Your Stuff

What comes up for you when you hear the word minimalism? If you’re like most people, you will probably go straight to physical clutter and getting rid of stuff in your house. That’s a huge part of it, but there’s so much more. Let’s look at the many levels of minimalism.

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Transparent but Vague: A Mantra to Get You Through the Holidays

Mantras, Mantras, Mantras…a great way to help you get through tough stuff. Holidays are hard for everyone for many different reasons. Who couldn’t use some additional coping skills for their toolbox?

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Aftermath of Hurricane Harvey: Coping Skills & Back to Basics

In times of crisis, we don’t need processing skills or to go deeply into our trauma in the immediate aftermath. We need to get back to basics and focus on our coping skills in regaining normal functioning so that we can engage in making plans for moving forward, building our strength and resiliency, and utilizing our support systems effectively. Learn more tips about dealing with a crisis such as Hurricane Harvey.

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Do You Have Your Emotional Emergency Kit Ready for 2017?

The new year is a great time to explore goals and resolutions, but more importantly I think you have the chance to improve overall coping skills.  2016 took an emotional toll on many, so get ready for anything that may arise in 2017 by putting together your emotional toolkit.  Check it out here. 

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