The Foundation of Trust: Why It Matters in a Relationship



Rebuilding trust. 

Repairing trust. 

Trusting again. 

Couples counseling sessions often focus on repairing and building up trust within the relationship. The ability to trust your partner is invaluable and when there is a rupture in trust within the relationship, repair is a priority. I often explain to my clients that repairing trust is helping create a new foundation that can confidently build on over time. It is absolutely imperative to invest your time and energy into ensuring you and your partner have a solid and reliable foundation.

learning to trust in couples therapy and marriage counseling

We come across trust frequently as a topic in session because it is important in all of our relationships, not just with romantic partners. 

Trust is about being able to be vulnerable with someone and feel safe, even when that vulnerability is uncomfortable. Trust means that I don’t need to act defensively to protect myself because, well, there is no attack. Trust spends a lot of time with that unconditional love we all hear so much about because trust means we are wholly accepted for who we are.

That sounds like a really safe place to me. That is what we are regularly working towards in therapy. 

When you ensure that trust is a strong part of the foundation of the relationship you’re creating with your partner, you naturally see things in a favorable light. For example, effective and dependable communication and action, pride in loyalty and commitment, known security and safety, feelings of stability and an increase in dedication to respect within the relationship all feel solid and noticeable. We love every bit of that!

trust as the foundation of a healthy relationship and marriage in couples therapy and marriage counseling

As you continue to build on this absolutely AMAZING foundation of trust, you’ll see effective communication, pride in loyalty, and commitment all come together and to create honesty. When there’s dedication to respect within the relationship, it’s easy to find compassion, empathy, and forgiveness for our partner and ourselves. 

Repairing trust is one of those things that is easier to talk about than to do. Vulnerability is typically incredibly uncomfortable… ew. People usually hate discomfort. In fact, I watch people sit in unhealthy and toxic (but comfortable) situations just because doing the work and fighting for a healthy situation is just TOO uncomfortable. Imagine, if all or most relationships don’t have trust, safety or love, then why would I feel comfortable stepping into this unknown territory of honesty and communication - even if it looked or sounded really really good? 

vulnerability and open communication without judgment in couples therapy and marriage counseling

When trust stands firm in the foundation of a relationship, all of these beautiful habits form. You’ll feel emotional security and safe communication where both partners can openly communicate about their thoughts, feelings, and needs without the fear of judgment or betrayal. You’ll engage in effective conflict resolution because of the stability and respect that’s valued so much. You’ll experience support and encouragement from the vulnerability you’ve stepped into. 

As you continue to invest in and fortify the foundation of trust within your relationships, work to embrace the discomfort of growth and change. Lean into vulnerability with the knowledge that it is the gateway to deeper connection and true intimacy. Take time to celebrate the beauty and strength that emerges when trust stands firm as the foundation of our love and partnership. It is totally worth it.

My name is Jaimi Douthit and I’m a Licensed Professional Counselor at the Center for Couples Counseling. I love working with couples and individuals who are ready and motivated to make changes in their lives and relationships, who can handle feedback and encouragement, and engage in using the tools I teach in therapy outside of the therapy room. At the Center for Couples Counseling, we specialize in couples therapy, infertility counseling, postpartum mood and anxiety disorders, self-care and burnout, and perfectionism. We help couples and individuals in the League City and Houston areas in person, and all residents of the State of Texas online. Call us at (832) 827-3288 to schedule a free phone consultation.

Begin Couples Therapy in League City, TX

We know relationships take a lot of hard work. But your relationship is important and deserves the effort. At Center for Couples Counseling we want to help you and your partner get back on the right track. To get started with in-person or online couples therapy follow these simple steps:

  1. Contact us to start couples therapy

  2. Meet with one of our skilled couples therapists

  3. Begin to see positive changes in your relationshipOther Services Offered at Center for Couples Counseling

Other Services Offered at Center for Couples Counseling

At the Center for Couples Counseling, we understand you or your relationship may be facing different challenges. To help you work on yourself and your relationship, our Texas practice offers individual therapy, infertility counseling, postpartum anxiety, and depression counseling, therapy for self-care and burnout, and therapy for perfectionism. For more about us check out our FAQs and blog!